Ellie, born and raised in a small city in Brazil, Brazilian father and Japanese mother.
Living in Japan since the age of 11. At the age of 16, found her passion for photography and got her first camera. Worked for 3 years in a Travel Agency then decided to give herself a break and travel through Europe where she found London Institute of Photography where she ended up graduating from.
Based in Tokyo, Japan - Available to travel worldwide.
ブラジルの小さな町で、スペイン系の父と日系の母の間で生まれ育つ。11歳の時日本に渡る。16歳の時初めてのカメラを持つ。南山大学短期大学部英語科を卒業し、旅行代理店で3年間働いた後、写真に人生を捧げることを決意。ヨーロッパを旅し、London Institute PhotographyのProfessional Photography Courseで学ぶ。卒業後写真への情熱を今も求め続け邁進中。
Amazon Photos
Bose | Asics | Goodr
Royal Caribbean Cruise
Jet Star Japan
Atmos Tokyo
Skylum Software
Maison de Sabre
Graduated from
Nanzan University
London Institute of Photography
Published at
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